Tile Layout Test

Skill Level: Beginner

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Skill Level: Beginner
Skill Level: Beginner


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is intended to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union. This introduction looks at what GDPR is, the foundations it is built on and how it impacts businesses and organisations in practice. Work through each section and then take the short assessment to complete the module.

Duration 30 Minutes

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Skill Level: Beginner

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Skill Level: Beginner
Skill Level: Beginner

This online Conflict Management Training course is designed to train senior members of staff and employees in how to prevent and handle conflicts that occur in their workplace. It familiarises them with common causes and signs of conflict, how the law relates to conflict management, how to carry out a conflict risk assessment, ways to prevent conflicts, and methods for handling confrontations and ongoing cases of conflict – including types of alternative conflict resolution.

Skill Level: Beginner

One person’s notion of assertiveness can be very different to another’s. This module will explain what assertiveness is and equip you with techniques to help you to behave confidently with work colleagues and get your point of view across in the right way.

Skill Level: Beginner